El Dilluns, 23 de febrer de 2015, a les 17:31:47, Martin Klapetek va escriure: > Follow up: as there were no objections, I've just requested a move of these > repos: Can you please go to the settings->repository in projects.kde.org and make sure the i18n branches are correctly set? master is set as kdelibs4 trunk branch when it should be set to KF5 trunk branch, no? Cheers, Albert > > ktp-accounts-kcm > ktp-approver > ktp-auth-handler > ktp-common-internals > ktp-contact-list > ktp-contact-runner > ktp-desktop-applets > ktp-filetransfer-handler > ktp-kded-module > ktp-send-file > ktp-text-ui > > and > > kaccounts-integration > kaccounts-providers > signon-kwallet-extension > > into kdenetwork for the upcoming KDE Applications 15.04 release. > > Cheers