Pino Toscano wrote: > Why does libkgeomap need to move "somewhere" just to be used by some > other extragear application? Just do independent releases of it, and > stop bundling it in digikam, so > a) it's easier to package it in distros > b) can be really seen as something more than "digikam's own private > library" > > libkgeomap (just like all the other libraries used by digikam) has been > built as standalone on for years, and digikam (and now > kphotoalbum as well) are able to use it fine as "separate" library. +1, this "Digikam SC" nonsense really needs to stop! All the stuff that's now bundled in Digikam should be a dependency of Digikam as it used to be in the past. Kevin Kofler