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When you start poking at this code, why not kill the entire fopen/fgets/fixed size buffer stuff and replace it with std streams or something like that?

- Rolf Eike Beer

On February 26th, 2014, 6:11 p.m. UTC, Alexander Richardson wrote:

Review request for kde-workspace.
By Alexander Richardson.

Updated Feb. 26, 2014, 6:11 p.m.

Repository: kde-workspace


No longer use strlcpy in kstartupconfig

This means we no longer need to find libbsd on Linux.
kstartupconfig is now uses std::string instead of pure C strings, but
the performance difference should be minimal (and it is less error-prone).




  • CMakeLists.txt (bce3cd1de65b8420a859c342db981919965071ba)
  • cmake/modules/FindLibBSD.cmake (6383083023cdbfbeffcab0cef98f48102e593d38)
  • kstartupconfig/CMakeLists.txt (ceebd6a65af4cdaa717cfb0dcff5097121cf48d9)
  • kstartupconfig/kstartupconfig.c (d8e65f48a75dad49fe6c585f89260c2a6d483809)

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