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This review has been submitted with commit 1816bac51326767236b0c6402e9db5a8651d98f0 by Mark Gaiser to branch frameworks.

- Commit Hook

On October 14th, 2013, 12:46 p.m. UTC, Mark Gaiser wrote:

Review request for KDE Frameworks, kdelibs, David Faure, and Kevin Ottens.
By Mark Gaiser.

Updated Oct. 14, 2013, 12:46 p.m.

Repository: kdelibs


The new signal/slot connection:
connect(job, &KJob::result,...

does't like result to be private and throws an compile error:
error: 'void KJob::result(KJob*)' is private

Making it public resolves the issue and makes this slot usable in the new syntax. In my case i wanted to use the new syntax and directly use a lambda as slot. Which isn't possible on this signal if it isn't public.


Works just fine.


  • tier1/kcoreaddons/src/lib/jobs/kjob.h (d663530)
  • tier1/kcoreaddons/src/lib/jobs/kjob.cpp (f99a99f)

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