On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 12:25 AM, Milian Wolff <mail@milianw.de> wrote:
On Wednesday 31 July 2013 20:51:11 Mark wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm horrible in clearly explaining issues and i'm going to explain a
> lot in this mail. Please read it very carefully.


> Subsequent signals (even create, delete or anything besides dirty) is
> following this same path where the emit is being triggered from
> KDirWatchPrivate::slotRescan in the above mentioned snippet. All
> signals are thus being send as dirty signals! For more clarity, this
> is what KDirLister(Cache) actually receives (in
> KDirListerCache::slotFileDirty) as signals for the same folder:
> (DIRTY signal) /home/mark/massive_files
> (DIRTY signal) /home/mark/massive_files/.directory.lock
> (DIRTY signal) /home/mark/massive_files/.directorym13357.new
> (DIRTY signal) /home/mark/massive_files (yes, it starts with this and
> ends with this)
> Now i'm guessing this isn't right. All dirty signals of which two(!!)
> are my main folder.

Besides that it's two times that signal, imo this is what should be done.
Creating/Removing a file makes its parent folder dirty.

If that needs to happen then there is no change needed since that is currently happening which i think is a bug.
If there is no way to detect which files inside a directory have been created/added/modified then it indeed is best to just mark the whole directory as dirty thus cause a complete re-scan. That is what happens now.

However, we have been given the power of inotify which gives more detailed signals and lets us know which files have been created/added/modified which we should be used imho.
Maybe KDirListerCache should not listen on dirty but rather on created and
deleted instead, which should come with the semantics you describe?

The dirty signal handling is not wrong, the signals it gets are. it's receiving a signal to many that already causes a full re-scan. It would probably be fine if it just received the signals that inotify is broadcasting:

(CREATE signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directory.lock
(MODIFY signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directory.lock
(CREATE signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directoryc13357.new
(MODIFY signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directoryc13357.new
(DELETE signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directoryc13357.new
(CREATE signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directory
(DELETE signal) /home/mark/massive_folder/.directory.lock

Milian Wolff