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On September 29th, 2012, 9:20 a.m., David Faure wrote:

konqueror/src/konqsessionmanager.cpp (Diff revision 3)
static int showRestoreSessionDialog(QObject* object, const SessionHash& sessionList, QStringList* discardedSessionList)
    QPointer<KDialog> dialog = new KDialog(0, Qt::Dialog);
This code would be better with a KDialog subclass, rather than with all the code in a function -- and then you need a slot in the calling class, and an ugly qobject_cast<window()>...

If you split this up into a proper class, then it can have its own slots and member variables, and this will increase modularity and reusability. (and readability).

Good point. I will redo it that way then.

On September 29th, 2012, 9:20 a.m., David Faure wrote:

konqueror/src/konqsessionmanager.cpp (Diff revision 3)
static int showRestoreSessionDialog(QObject* object, const SessionHash& sessionList, QStringList* discardedSessionList)
                item->setFlags(Qt::ItemIsEnabled | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable);
Doesn't this lose ItemIsSelectable? I guess item->flags() | Qt::ItemIsUserCheckable would be better.
I did this on purpose. I do not want the items to be selectable. I just want them to be checkable.

- Dawit

On September 28th, 2012, 4:45 p.m., Dawit Alemayehu wrote:

Review request for KDE Base Apps and David Faure.
By Dawit Alemayehu.

Updated Sept. 28, 2012, 4:45 p.m.


The attached patch fixes one of those pet peeve bugs that infurate me from time to time by allowing me to unselect the sessions I do not want to be restored when Konqueror's restore session dialog pops up.


* Unselected sessions should not be restored.
* If all available sessions are selected (the default), the behavior should remain the same as it is today.
* If all available sessions are unselected, disable the "Restore Session" button.
Bugs: 260282


  • konqueror/src/konqsessionmanager.h (ee629e4)
  • konqueror/src/konqsessionmanager.cpp (68a003f)

View Diff


old restore dialog new restore dialog new restore dialog v2