On Saturday 29 September 2012, Martin Gräßlin wrote: > On Saturday 29 September 2012 13:19:30 you wrote: > > But how does that differ from requiring other very recent packages, > > including Qt ? > > we don't do that. We still require only Qt 4.7 and there is one difference > in build system vs. some depending library. Depending library is nicely > handled by systems like kdesrc-build. The example kdesrc-buildrc comes > with all the pieces already there, so if there is really the need I > uncomment a part and let it build. > > For cmake on the other hand I have no idea how to install it without $ wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-2.8.9-Linux-i386.tar.gz $ su $ cd /opt $ tar -zxvf path/to/cmake-2.8.9-Linux-i386.tar.gz ... $ /opt/cmake-2.8.9-Linux-i386/bin/cmake ...all your arguments Alex