Am 22.03.2012, 19:20 Uhr, schrieb Kai-Uwe Behrmann : > I was tould by the graphics community to keep the X Color Management spec > backward compatible with the ICC Profile in X spec, so we did. Thus old > style applications see a sRGB profile through the ICC Profile in X spec, > and they continue to work by converting to sRGB. Sorry again, but does that actually mean that if I have a WG screen and an application which does not support the opt-out protocol or bought into a competing* system, it will be reduced to sRGB while the application and the screen actually could do WG ... but the delete icon in dolphin looks correct? Next question: do you have approached the Wayland project on this? In case, what do they say? Cheers, Thomas ------------------ *semi OT sidenote: This is btw. sth. I do not like at all. Xorg and fdo do not have the market share -esp. in that market- to afford two competing color management systems. I have no idea about the technical, conceptual and maybe religious differences, but would suggest to iron that out by all means if you ever want usable CM on this Architecture.