A Quarta, 22 de Fevereiro de 2012 10:46:53 Richard Hughes você escreveu:

> First, I apologise about the cross posting. Please drop any list which

> isn't relevant in your replies, and please also cc me as I'm not

> subscribed to either list.


> GNOME has been a color managed desktop by default for two releases

> now, and I deliberately designed colord to have an open Freedesktop

> DBus API that could be used by both desktops. Really, KDE just has to

> include a KCM module to do the 6 things on this list and also perhaps

> include a simple control center panel to configure it.


> Basically, I need a KDE dude. Of course, I can help quite a lot and

> mentor the project, but I’ve never really coded Qt or C++ in anger, so

> to speak. If you’re interested, I could maybe even set up a Google

> summer of code place as well, although I’d prefer it to be an existing

> person familiar with the KDE community so there is some ongoing

> maintainer.


> If anybody is interested, let me know and I’ll set up a meeting and we

> can talk and discuss details. Thanks.


> Richard Hughes

Use case here I want this :D, please guys help Richard. Yill make you free icons :D and mybe pay you a beer or 2.



oxygen guy, "I make the pretty pictures"