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On October 12th, 2011, 10:58 p.m., Andreas Hartmetz wrote:

kioslave/http/http.cpp (Diff revision 1)
            if ("timeout=")) { // krazy:exclude=strings
            QByteArray ka =;
I guess the parser just lowercases the key ("keep-alive"), not the values. Lowercasing the keys is okay because per the spec they are case-insensitive, and it has the advantage that you can look up keys in more or less constant time when using a hashtable.
In many cases the values are case sensitive (usernames, something Base64-encoded for example), so the parser better leaves them alone. So you need to normalize the case yourself.
Small addition: The values are key-value pairs again here, but that isn't universally so in HTTP headers. The header parser simply doesn't know about such details.

- Andreas

On October 10th, 2011, 10:35 p.m., Andrea Iacovitti wrote:

Review request for kdelibs, Andreas Hartmetz and Dawit Alemayehu.
By Andrea Iacovitti.

Updated Oct. 10, 2011, 10:35 p.m.


Keep-alive header can specify multiple, comma-separated, value pairs.
For example what apache web server normally sends is something like that:

"Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99"

Actually kio_http fails to extract timeout value because it assumes
keep-alive header can contain only a single value pair.
In the case of example above what it end up to do is
m_request.keepAliveTimeout = QString("5, max=99").toInt(), that returns 0 (wrong!).


-Patched code compiles
-Hacked a web server and made tests against following keep-alive header variants:
 "Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=99"
 "Keep-Alive: Timeout=5, max=99"     (uppercase 'T')
 "Keep-Alive: Timeout=5 , max=99"    (extra space before comma)


  • kioslave/http/http.cpp (2862707)
  • kioslave/http/parsinghelpers.cpp (fc75d68)

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