--nextPart1800011.996V2vP8W0 Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Hi all, I just want to comment on one thing: > [14:30:15] steveire: you're basically saying we should > favor hypothetical Qt developers over actual KDE app developers. Apart from the fact (as far as I understood the discussion) that Steve=20 isn't favoring one over the other but rather trying to give the=20 hypothetical Qt developer some of the benefits actual KDE app developers=20 have, I want to make a confession: I am one of those hypothetical Qt=20 developers. I have used one KDE class in a Qt-only project and to be=20 able to do so I had to remove quite a lot of code from said KDE class=20 because I really didn't want a dependency on KGlobal, KConfig,=20 KStandardDirs, etc. Because of the pain using KDE classes in Qt-only=20 projects causes I have only used this one class. Another class I/we are using comes from the Qxt extension library. This=20 class could be used out-of-the-box. I wish I could use some of KDE's=20 great Qt extensions with similar ease. KDE frameworks appears to be the=20 solution for this. So, I, as one of those not so hypothetical Qt=20 developers (who happens to be a KDE developer as well, btw), am all for=20 making the KDE libraries more modular and more easily usable in Qt=20 projects. Regards, Ingo --nextPart1800011.996V2vP8W0 Content-Type: application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc Content-Description: This is a digitally signed message part. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v2.0.16 (GNU/Linux) iEYEABECAAYFAk5mhE4ACgkQGnR+RTDgudgO8ACfVJPlDgi5wYuV9FTq1hErMnEe Lz0An1ysuPSS8b9cU96A8KryprD8cVGN =VIpe -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --nextPart1800011.996V2vP8W0--