On Tue, Jul 26, 2011 at 11:24:26PM +0200, Ambroz Bizjak wrote: > Alternatively, there would be "System Settings (KDE desktop > configuration)" and "System Settings (GNOME desktop configuration)", > possibly the text in parentheses being subscribed instead. This is a > little less confusing, but still confusing compared to just "System > Settings" and "GNOME System Settings", where "System Settings", the > native tool, is clearly preferred. > i would argue that thomas' solution is better, because it is more explicit. your automatic preference for the desktop's native settings app is counterproductive for the user, because he sees "ah, system settings" and "wtf is this?". he ignores the latter, and is frustrated by the result. in thomas' variant otoh he sees *two* "wtf?"s, and *has* to research it, understand the underlying problem. this is a requirement of the reality we present him with, so that outcome is *good*.