On Tuesday, May 10, 2011 00:35:17 Markus Slopianka wrote: > Qt 5 results in no need to think about "KDE5" because there will be no such > thing as "KDE4". > The only thing Qt 5 does is to enforce "KDE Platform 5" because of the > broken binary compatibility. > KDE Plasma Workspaces can stay at 4.x and build on Platform 5 unless KPW > magically becomes something totally different that justifies a major > version jump. Change of the back-end alone does IMO not justify a big > version jump for KPW just as Phonon did not jump to 5.0 just because xine > was deprecated in favor of VLC and GStreamer. Nothing from KPW guaranties > binary compatibility which IMO means that the user workflow has to change > dramatically for a big version jump. > > If classic QWidgets stay, I also don't see why KDE Applications need to > jump from 4.x to 5.0. Most will just be recompiled to use the new Platform > 5 without any huge GUI facelifts. > This reflects exactly my opinion. The only thing required is the Plaform version increase. Then we could/should add KDE-QML-Components to make it possible to start new applications using QML in a KDE-like fashion. On the other hand, I don't really care if we have the version number 4, 5 or 2012.42. The important thing here is to make the transition to Qt5 smooth for both, developers and users.