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Looks good. I would even go a bit further and suggest the following:
- Remove the Clear button, I don't think it serves any purpose
- Change the label of the OK button to "Create Link"

- Aurélien

On May 8th, 2011, 3:42 p.m., Jonathan Marten wrote:

Review request for kdelibs.
By Jonathan Marten.

Updated May 8, 2011, 3:42 p.m.


This dialogue - used, for example, for the desktop's "Create New - Link to Location" or "Create New - Basic link to" actions, has a very ugly layout where the labels are squashed up to the entry fields and the two lines are not vertically aligned with each other.  This change uses a form layout instead, which automatically adopts the standard KDE style and spacing.

In addition to the layout, the "OK" button is enabled when the dialogue is first shown; it should not be because the two entry fields are empty. This is checked at the end of the constructor.


Built kdelibs with these changes, checked operation and appearance of dialogue via Plasma desktop.


  • kfile/knameandurlinputdialog.cpp (fd02af6)

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