From kde-core-devel Mon May 09 20:20:02 2011 From: Jonathan Marten Date: Mon, 09 May 2011 20:20:02 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: Re: Qt5 -> KDE5? Message-Id: X-MARC-Message: Alberto Mattea writes: > 2) Binary compatibility. It has taken four years to port most KDE3 apps to the > new infrastructure, and some (like Kooka) never did it. Many projects just Er, just for info Kooka did finally make it to a KDE4 port (although not as an official part of KDE SC): > 3) Core apps, or "shall we change again everything?". It took at least 3 minor > releases (or 2 years since KDE 4.0) to have a fully crash-free experience with > the plasma shell. Now it looks fantastic, it is modular (desktop, netbook, Let's not do this again, please. When I first started using KDE as my primary Linux desktop it was a few months before the release of KDE2. KDE1 was usable but limited, but KDE2 was a huge improvement and it was usable immediately. Same with KDE3, again a huge improvement over KDE2 and usable immediately. But KDE4 was nothing like that; I'd been watching the state of trunk fairly closely and waiting, and it was 2.5 years from the first release of 4.0 until the desktop was stable enough for me to use in day-to-day work. I'm still not using KMail (the one application that *really* has to be reliable) from KDE4 yet. Yes, I know the official line at the time was that KDE 4.0 was a "technology preview" release and not yet finished. But, despite that advice, all of the distros started shipping it and every magazine and blogger started reviewing it, with much negative publicity (some of it justified). KDE 5.0 has to be ready, reliable and usable if that is to be avoided. -- Jonathan Marten Twickenham, UK