This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------090808000902050601030802 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hi, For a couple of releases, oxygen widget and decoration style comes with an "advanced" configuration tool, called oxygen-settings [1], and accessible (so far) only from terminal (or krunner). For the record: there are already 'basic' configuration tools available at the usual places in system-settings for the decoration and the style with a much more limited set of configuration options, the idea being not to expose newcommers and casual users to too many options of which they simply do not care (such as the duration of the animations). On the other hand, another advantage that I see for oxygen-settings is that it regroups the widget style and decoration options at the same place. For 4.7 I'd like to make this advanced tool available via kde' launcher menu. Good idea ? Bad idea ? Objections ? Also I guess need a .desktop file for that. Never wrote such a thing before, so some other expert pair of eyes would help. The content I came up with by looking at various other desktop files is attached. Advice welcome, Hugo [1] Screenshot: --------------090808000902050601030802 Content-Type: text/plain; name="oxygen-settings.desktop" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="oxygen-settings.desktop" [Desktop Entry] Type=Application Exec=oxygen-settings -caption "%c" %i Icon=oxygen GenericName=Oxygen Advanced Configuration Terminal=false Name=Oxygen Advanced Configuration Categories=Qt;KDE;Settings; X-KDE-ServiceTypes=DBUS/InstantMessenger X-DBUS-StartupType=Unique X-DBUS-ServiceName=org.kde.konversation --------------090808000902050601030802--