ohh.. on irc they said it's what i said..
But that alone already clearly shows how awkward the key shortcut is when it's not even "common knowledge" to the average computer user.

On Sat, Feb 5, 2011 at 8:05 PM, Michael Jansen <info@michael-jansen.biz> wrote:
On Saturday 05 February 2011 17:51:16 Mark wrote:
> Hi,
> let me first point you to this image (kde 4.6.0) :
> http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5398/rightmousebuttondesktop.png
> Oke, first one shortcut in that image.
> I consider myself a experienced computer user in both windows and linux but
> today i learned new shortcut things.
> ALT + d, a (which is pressing ALT and type 'd' and 'a' while ALT is
> pressed.. i didn't knew any combinations like that before)

No. That means press alt+d release everything press only a.
