Heya folks :) GSoC 2011 has been announced yesterday at LCA. \o/ Valorie has created the page to collect ideas. It's a cleaned up copy of last year's page. Please add plenty of ideas as soon as you can: http://community.kde.org/GSoC/2011/Ideas Students are already waiting so the sooner your ideas is on the page the better. In case you are new to GSoC in KDE please check http://community.kde.org/GSoC An excellent resource for both new mentors and those who've done it before: http://www.booki.cc/gsoc-mentoring/ For questions please contact the admins (lfranchi, valorie, neverendingo and nightrose) in #kde-soc. If you want to help with the organisation please let me know. Cheers Lydia -- Lydia Pintscher Amarok community manager kde.org - amarok.kde.org - kubuntu.org claimid.com/nightrose