Hi, now that it's getting serious, can somebody who is working on the git migration, *please* take care and write proper documentation on techbase.kde.org for git dummies ? http://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Git , which is the first google result, and looks like a gateway page, has a "Getting started" section, the only link there which looks not outdated is the one to the git.kde.org manual. http://community.kde.org/Sysadmin/GitKdeOrgManual looks quite ok for somebody who knows how to use git for KDE, but not for me. Can somebody please add a simple step-by-step howto, what I have to do with identity.kde.org, projects.kde.org and git.kde.org, how the git push/merge/branching policy is for KDE, etc. If there are existing blog articles about this, please add links to them in a good visible place. Sorry if such documentation already exists and I just didn't find it. For CMake, which moved to git last spring, such a wiki page exists: http://www.cmake.org/Wiki/CMake/Git , which was mostly good enough for git dummies as me. I'd really like if somebody would write something similar for KDE. Thanks Alex