Hi! On Sun, 31 Oct 2010, Mark Kretschmann wrote: > It's a very controversial idea. However, I think it is so refreshing > that it deserves some more thought. Personally, I think the idea is > great, if we can overcome some of the obvious road blocks. I would > love to read some honest and direct thoughts from you guys. > > What do you think about it? I think it's good occasion to congratulate Nokia's Community and Product Managers for their diligent and thought-through work of the last two years :) Seriously. I don't see this idea being a benefit for KDE. Quite the opposite. Nokia has done a great job of bringing Qt on track for an open development model. Eventually the maintenance might be almost completely outsourced to volunteers or 3rd parties. But one should not forget that the vendor's target are mobile devices. Other platforms (desktop, older Unices, X11-specifics, Jambi etc.) are 2nd tier. Sure, the open model will allow for outsiders to maintain "exotic" platforms. But why should KDE accept the loss of effectiveness? The open model will also allow for completely independant companies/projects to offer their libraries. Why not via kde.org? Marketing people will also know why this can be important. Therefore I agree with those saying that we should have our libs modular and portable and market *those*. I realize that those working for Nokia directly or indirectly in their "real life", i.e. dealing with work where KDE-specifics hurt have a different perspective. Having worked on Qt before I understand too well but it helps to take a step at the global perspective of KDE as a project with lots of different people and an independent identiy. Harri.