On Monday 26 April 2010, Andriy Rysin wrote: > * Less cluttered layout configuration control (add layout is separate) That separate dialog is a bit hard to use IMHO, because all the interesting stuff is hidden in comboboxes. I don't think comboboxes are the best widget for very long lists. Flat lists with scrollbars are better for this, because they don't close on you at the first mis-click. Also, what I did was: - open the 3rd combo to choose a variant - then wonder what the 1st combo is about and select any language -> my choice in the 3rd combo was lost; a bit annoying. Now I see that "language" is just a first step for reducing the choices in the other comboboxes, but this wasn't obvious at first sight. Not sure what to suggest though. Maybe the label "Language" should say (optional) or something. -- David Faure, faure@kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (http://www.konqueror.org).