On Sat, Feb 13, 2010 at 11:16:51PM -0500, Andriy Rysin wrote: > I am currently rewriting kxkb into kded daemon, plasma applet and a reusable > widget and have a question on config change notification. Seems like usually we > have to send dbus message. But if I have several components (kded daemon, > plasmoid etc) which need to know about config change made in KCModule > good > it'll will have to know about all of them to send the message out. > why? a signal is undirected. just look how "everything else" does it. stlye kcm comes to mind. > Seems like the nicer way would be to allow interested parties to connect to > some signal (e.g. "configChanged") in KSharedConfig and when sync is made send > this signal out. Different engines could be used for that: internal KDE IPC > messaging or even fam. Then the module which changes config should not care of > the consumers and consumers would not have to expose "reloadConfig" or > "restart" method. > that's a good thought, thought many times before. but this isn't a simple topic; it needs to be done Right (TM).