
Burkhard Luck (sorry for the missing umlaut) pointed out to me that kttsd is very deprecated at the moment.  I have made a lot of changes for the 4.4 release to the ui and underlying functionality also, but did not get to the docbook.  It's very very bad, it mentions dcop in a number of places, mentions a lot of things that simply aren't there in kttsd any more (gstreamer output, plugins for synthesizers, etc. etc. etc.)  I realize we are in string freeze at the moment, and suggest either:
1) allow me to remove most/all of the documentation for the 4.4 release
2) #comment the documentation so it will not be installed for the 4.4 release because it has many things in it that will just confuse an end user

In either case I'll work on cleaning it up for the 4.5 KDE SC.

Anyway, let me know how I should proceed.  I'm not on this list, so don't forget to cc me in replies.

