Hi, This evening I was busy polishing the tooltips which appear over Gwenview tooltips (current ones are a bit crappy). These tooltips are implemented using QLabel instead of QToolTip because QLabel provide precise positioning. One of the bugs I noticed was that when the mouse moved from item1 to item2, the tooltip label would be immediatly moved to item2, but it would still display item1 text for a few seconds. It turned out this was caused by the Oxygen widget style animating the change of label text. I can probably work around this by using a custom widget instead of a QLabel, but I believe it would be the wrong fix. Oxygen goes too far in my opinion, and should not try to animate labels behind the developer's back. The "Animated progress bars" option is also probably problematic as I guess it is the cause of the strange behavior of the "Get Hot New Stuff" dialog (if you click "Install" on several items in a short while, the progress bar goes back and forth). I would suggest removing label and possibly progress bar animations because they are bound to cause problems with quite a few applications, and it should be up to the developer to decide whether it makes sense to animate the change of text in a label or the change of value in a progress bar. What do you think about this? Aurélien