On Sat, 3 Oct 2009 4:50:56 pm Ben Cooksley wrote: > Currently in System Settings the categories structure is not very easy > to use, and makes finding settings harder than it should be. In order > to correct this, a complete re-structure of the modules is required, > removing the General / Advanced sorting and giving modules clear > names. > > Dario Andres ( from bugsquad ) and myself have been working on this > and have developed the following plan at this time for the modules > [1]. Please see the following mockup to see how this would look [2]. > This is aimed at KDE 4.4 at this point, and we hope to commit it next > week assuming no changes need to be made. We would appreciate > everyone's comments on this. > I am a KDE Games developer, but I am approaching this from an end-user point of view (I think) and certainly from the POV of a few decades of experience as a designer of user-friendly applications in an end-user environment. If I had had something like Ben's categorization seven years ago, I am sure I could have saved a lot of time and frustration over the years and had a much more enjoyable KDE experience, besides getting access to more of the KDE smarts which, sad to say, tend to pass me by. I really like the http://imagebin.ca/view/Y3KUza.html layout and categorization, except for words like PIM and Plasma (which others have already pointed out) and even "Gestures". What is a gesture in this context? At any rate, it's all a huge advance on things like the "Peripherals" category of KDE 3.5. Last time I saw a "peripheral" it was a huge tape-drive in a corner of a large room, not a mouse or keyboard. I get into difficulties, however, in http://techbase.kde.org/User:DarioAndres/SS3 at the next level down, starting at "Splash Screen" and "Plasma Theme". What are they? A part of a car and a rendition of "The Stars and Stripes Forever"? :-) And "Akonadi", was she that Ancient Greek heroine who was chained to a rock? :-) Even "Gamma" ... I'm aware of it and have played with it a bit over the years, but have never been clear on exactly what it does and how to get best results from it. So, please can we make a rule? No KDE-speak, UNIX jargon, Linux jargon, etc. in user-interfaces, unless the target user-base consists of KDE core developers. To put it positively, any interface should use the language of the targeted end-user, including *his/her* jargon if applicable (e.g. "Ledgers" is an accounting term and is OK in KMyMoney). And when in doubt about a term, ask your husband, wife, friend, accountant, etc. what they think the words mean. All the best, Ian W.