Aaron J. Seigo wrote: > On September 22, 2009, Aurélien Gâteau wrote: >> What do you think about this? > > the workspace is being designed with a no-dialog goal. dialogs are > interruptions, can be confused as coming from the application the user is > working on and not well associated with the workspace itself. I agree. I discussed this with Celeste before implementing it and she suggested to use the same kind of interface as the logout, shutdown, reboot window from ksmserver. I gave it a try, but it was: - Hackish: I had Powerdevil send dbus calls to ksmserver to show the ShutdownDialog in a "suspend" mode. - Didn't look right: While testing I realized using this interface was not very useful because at the time it shows up, Powerdevil has already disabled compositing, so you don't get smooth transitions. I could make the dialog use Plasma theme so that it looks more integrated with the workspace. > > a dialog gets in your way, may end up accidentally triggered due to unexpected > focus change and a dialog for this would erode integration with the rest of > the desktop shell This is why I made it so the dialog would not steal focus. > > plasma-desktop is (trying to be) about visual and functional consistency. > from a visual design perspective, a dialog for this is a failure. > from a functional consistency perspective, it is also a step backwards. > > so ... first off: > > * is this a _real_ problem? how many people have not seen this and / or failed > to react properly (honestly, in my observations of people using KDE 4, the > power notifications are perceived as already TOO intrusive!) It was a real problem for me, and when I brought this up to the #kubuntu-devel channel I found others felt the same. Celeste also agreed on this. It's true I didn't find bug reports on this in Bugzilla or Launchpad, but I nevertheless found two related reports which would be solved by the patch: - Stopping suspend by clicking on notification doesn't work when not using plasma notifications https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=191617 - click to block auto-suspend does not work https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/powerdevil/+bug/356924 Note that it only changes the "your computer is going to suspend in x seconds" notification. It does not alter the "power cord has been plugged in" or any other notifications. To be completely honest, it is also a bigger problem for us (yet again) because of the possibility to use notify-osd together with KDE on Kubuntu. Still I believe this Powerdevil change makes sense even for upstream KDE. Aurelien