Hello, could somebody tell me the status and plans for kcontrol/randr? I thought it was going to be replaced/adapted for Kephal, but that doesn't seem to be the case. I'm asking because for openSUSE11.1 I had to get GUI support for xrandr1.2 and since 4.2 with Kephal was too late for that, I branched from 4.1 and handled it in whatever way I saw fit, because I thought it was temporary anyway. However now even in 4.3 kcontrol/randr is more or less the same code and also the same problems, most notably the inability to do anything with multiple monitors. Therefore, unless there are different plans, I would like to switch trunk's kcontrol/randr to branches/work/~seli/randr43, which is my changes applied to current codebase. There are few things missing (noted in the BRANCH file), but I think it mostly works better than current trunk version. The differences include: - it can set up multiple monitors (e.g. 2nd to the right of the 1st one), current trunk has this even disabled completely - the preview widget shows the future status after applying changes, not the current status (which I see pointless, there's it's enough to just look at the real monitors) - there's no loading of any settings at startup (again, IMO pointless, I want to change the current status, not some random saved stuff) - there is a kded module monitor watching for Key_Display (Fn+F7 or whatever, needs Qt patching) and switching outputs as a result, and also watching for monitor (un)plugging and offering to do changes as a result (there xrandr sucks and can't actually detect this well). I think Kephal currently is supposed to do this, but I don't know the status. -- Lubos Lunak KDE developer -------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s.r.o. e-mail: l.lunak@suse.cz , l.lunak@kde.org Lihovarska 1060/12 tel: +420 284 084 672 190 00 Prague 9 fax: +420 284 028 951 Czech Republic http://www.suse.cz