A Dilluns 06 Juliol 2009 23:16:15, Aaron J. Seigo va escriure: > hi :) > > we just added a translation plasmoid to kdeplasma-addons. it has flags from > around the world. i see that ktorrent does this as well. the locale kcm > uses flags from the installed l10n packages. > > is there any reason we couldn't put these in kdebase/runtime/icons/ and > install them somewhere for common usage amongst all the applications? We have country flags at kdebase/runtime/l10n/*/flag.png, note that country codes are different than language codes ca (Canada) != ca (Catalan) > > if not, i'm happy to do the work, but i'm just wondering if there's a > reason we haven't done this yet? (other than just not having enough > potential users of the pictures) Not that i know. Albert