As (I think I am, or KAlgebra is :P) the only user of KFormula inside KOffice I think that even if it was something good to have for scientific applications (besides KAlgebra, I'm thinking of Step at least) whould take advantage of. But anyway KAlgebra still can live without it and I think it would be better to wait for it to be in a good shape to start to be used in... more creative ways. :P
I have been told to move kformula code inside KAlgebra. That would be a solution, but again I'm not going to relly on something that's not maintained anymore, my idea was to start using it now and what I have now is still a first and simple use case so I'd rather to take a look at it when it is polished enough for what it has to do, the todo list is very long anyway. :)


On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Sven Langkamp <> wrote:

hereby I request to remove kformula from kdelibs.

The kformula in kdelibs is a copy of the one from KOffice, which is alpha-quality and is not meant to be released. Second to that it causes problems with KOffice installations.
It's very important to do this as fast as possible, so that it doesn't get released with 4.2

kformula should be either continue as part of KOffice or be moved to playground.
