2008/8/20 Sebastian Kügler : > On Wednesday 20 August 2008 18:07:54 Allen Winter wrote: >> - 3.5.10 is the very last 3.5 release > > I wasn't aware of that, and I don't think it's a good idea. As long as we find > somebody who helps me doing 3.5 releases (that would be coolo), I'd not say > "the 3.5 road ends here". That's also the wrong message to our users, a lot of > them still rely on KDE 3.5. We don't need to do releases very often, but we > also shouldn't close the door now already. I fully support that. If there are people interested in working on KDE 3.5.x, why shut them off? If we release 3.5.11 at some point later, people who currently use one of 3.5.x releases will not lose anything - if they want, they will stay at their release. But if they want some minor improvements/bug fixes, they will have opportunity to do it without making a big jump to KDE 4. If we put hard end to releases, they will gain nothing. I understand that while KDE 4.0 was prepared release team wanted to focus developers attention on KDE 4. But now, when dust around KDE 4 is settling down, only people really interested in KDE 3.5.x are left, so why prohibit them from improving it? It will result in creating some patches spread around the Internet, private versions for distributions and there is a small possibility of fork. Nobody will gain anything by that. Linux Kernel 2.4.x is still released although 2.6.x has been mature for many years, because there are people interested in it. Why not do the same with KDE? To sum up: if we decide to do further 3.5.x releases, there might be some added value in it as development will be centralized on KDE site. It we decide to stop 3.5.x development at all, there will be a mess with private versions and loss in development resources. -- Krzysztof Lichota