Yes, IIRC, it was a request from Aaron Siego to open KDE main tree to other languages than C++. Python perfectly fits in my opinion this request. What is your main problem about this Leo ? Of course, if it was Mono or Java, I think the problem should be different (particularly Mono, because Java 7 is going to be GPL2), but in this case, this is a open source language without any problem, and really well supported.

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 9:45 PM, Sebastian Kuegler <> wrote:
On Wednesday 26 March 2008 21:17:53 Leo Savernik wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 26. März 2008 schrieb Nicolas Ternisien:
> > >  >  All modules need porting to KDE4 (and could make nice showcases for
> > > the Python >  bindings then). Mountconfig would also need porting to
> > > Solid (it already uses
> [...]
> > No other opinion ? If you agree, just say Yes/+1 or No/-1, just to be
> > sure this is something useful, and that will help KDE Admin being more
> > interesting.
> It looks like Guidance introduces a hard python dependency into KDE. I
> don't particularly like that. Is there any precedent that justifies a hard
> runtime python dependency?

No, it'd be the first. IIRC, it was talked about some time ago though that
this is actually wanted. (Granted, not for core apps, but in general to open
up more for non-C++ languages and developers.)
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