I investigated #149071 (kio_fish hangs on copying named pipe), which happens for the reason you would expect, and came up with a patch for kio_fish that detects fifos and errors. However, I investigated a bit further and found that the handling of named pipes in other ioslaves is not consistent and can cause other problems. For example: with kio_ftp, the server returns a 550 Requested action not taken if you try to copy a fifo. KIO turns this into 'could not read /path/of/fifo'. With kio_sftp, the sftp-server tries to read the fifo and hangs too. Would it be possible or desirable to detect KIO-side an attempt to read a fifo, and error without telling the slave to get it? IIUC when copying a directory, there's a listRecursive() then each file is get'ed individually. This list must detect the mimetype allowing a chance to skip the fifo. What about when copying a single file? Will