Hi all, I know that not everyone is convinced that KIO-GIOBridge is good or important for KDE - and i understand that those who have invested lots of time in writing and maintaining IO-slaves are not excited either. However i would like to continue working on KIO-GIOBridge and make it easier for others to enable, test and use it. As GIO/GVFS is shipped with the new Gnome 2.22 there will be packages for all the major distros soon, backends for most of the popular file-management protocols already exist (and they are really working hard in making this a nice new VFS). My problem is, that i need a way to (optionally) override a set of slaves that are installed with kdelibs and kdebase by just installing a package. At the moment this only works with my multiprotocol-io-slave patch: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/ioslaves/kio-giobridge/patches/kdelibs_kio_multiprotocol_slave.patch ... i'm not sure if that's good from design. Also, requiring to patch and recompile kdelibs is probably quite a barrier for those who are interested in KIO-GIOBridge. And as always in open-source, things only become better and more stable with more people joining in (I'm sure there are still lots of bugs). One possibility would be having some kind of "priority=X" field in the *.protocol files, where handlers with a higher priority override the standard handlers. Another one to tag protocol handlers (flavor=kde-builtin of flavor=kiogio) and have a kio.conf somewhere to set the preferred flavor. A multiprotocol feature wouldn't be bad either (one slave being able to serve multiple protocols), because that saves memory and launching time. Also copying/moving files can be handled inside the slave, rather than going through the app. Regards, Norbert