On Tuesday 18 December 2007, David Faure wrote: ... > Yep. But then I really don't understand this comment and code from > KDE4Macros.cmake... Alex? > > # If RPATH is not explicitly disabled, libraries and plugins are built > without RPATH, in # the hope that the RPATH which is compiled into the > executable is good enough. macro (KDE4_HANDLE_RPATH_FOR_LIBRARY > _target_NAME) > if (NOT CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH AND NOT KDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH) > set_target_properties(${_target_NAME} PROPERTIES > INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH FALSE SKIP_BUILD_RPATH TRUE > BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH TRUE INSTALL _RPATH "") > endif (NOT CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH AND NOT KDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH) > endmacro (KDE4_HANDLE_RPATH_FOR_LIBRARY) > > So this macro does nothing when KDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH is ON, which is > the default now, right? So how do shared libs get an RPATH like Thiago > noticed? The default RPATH behaviour is set in FindKDE4Internal.cmake, and this macro sets the install RPATH for libraries to empty, except when KDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH is set, then it is also the full install RPATH for libs. Alex