--Boundary-00=_Gbt+GWdXUB09rZp Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Hi, today in kdegames we realized that KConfig seems not to read localized entries from .desktop files. That is quite critical in my opinion. (Not kdegames failing but kdelibs not handling translations correctly) I'm attaching a code and a .desktop file that according to what we understand from the API should give me the localized version although i get the original one. Is there anyone with enough KConfig knowledge to have a look at this? Albert P.S: Of course if you want to test, you have to change the path to the desktop file in main.cpp --Boundary-00=_Gbt+GWdXUB09rZp Content-Type: text/x-c++src; charset="us-ascii"; name="main.cpp" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="main.cpp" #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char **argv) { KAboutData aboutData("test", 0, ki18n("test"), "", ki18n("test"), KAboutData::License_GPL); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &aboutData); KApplication app; KConfig c("/home/kdesvn/bugs/kconfig/test.desktop", KConfig::OnlyLocal); c.setGroup("Test"); c.setLocale("ca"); qDebug() << c.readEntry("Name"); } --Boundary-00=_Gbt+GWdXUB09rZp Content-Type: application/x-desktop; name="test.desktop" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="test.desktop" [Test] Name=Alphabet Name[ca]=Alfabet --Boundary-00=_Gbt+GWdXUB09rZp--