I've been "monitoring" Arto Hytönen as he goes through (thanks for the help!) nuking deprecated KGlobalSettings and KColorScheme uses, and noticed a number of places that seem to be using KCS only to reshuffle colors in the palette (i.e. replace Window bg/fg with View bg/fg). While I suppose it shouldn't hurt to use adjust{Back,Fore}ground (1) for this purpose, it almost seems like overkill, so I'm wondering if maybe we shouldn't provide a function to do this sort of thing, maybe a "swapPaletteColors"? The places we've found so far that do this are KUrlButton, KDateTable, RSIRelaxPopup (from extragear/utils/rsibreak) and LabelViewItem (extragear/network/ktorrent/libktorrent). 1: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.core/45389 -- Matthew When in doubt, give it a good swift kick.