
On 9/3/07, John Layt <johnlayt@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
On Monday 03 September 2007, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> On Monday 03 September 2007, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> > The big problem is probably not that it is broken. Like everything that
> > has been ported to KDE4 it can be fixed.
> do we know what the things that need to be fixed are?
> > No, the big problem is that is has
> > been abandoned and needs love, it needs a lot of love to become sexy
> > again.
> right.
> > I am not afraid that printing won't work in KDE4, I am only afraid it
> > won't be better than in KDE3.
> that's a good point; something for us to perhaps put some concentration on
> for 4.1. get it working for 4.0 (whatever that means) and work on the sex
> for 4.something.

Well, I'm no printing guru, but KPrinter was 1 of 2 reasons I converted from
Gnome all those years ago, and I'd hate to see it take 2nd class status.  So
if the afore-mentioned mythical printing guru should happen to appear on the
scene in the next while and is looking for a gopher to fetch and carry the
boring bits, count me in.



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