I'd like to propose replacing kcontrol with system settings in trunk. This is a frontend to kcontrol module with a user interface which scales better for users compared to the simple tree view of kcontrol. The UI has had usability reviews from Ellen of openusability. It has been the default in Kubuntu for some time and seems to be generally preferred (some people are surprised to learn default KDE still uses KControl). The current KControl maintainer, danimo, has agreed to the change. The code is in branches/work/kde4/systemsettings_kde4/ ready to go. There is some tidying up of old K3 and Q3 classes to be done and I'd like to move it to the new klistview class. Module categories need to be changed throughout KDE, and there is the question of what to do the kinfocentre. Screenshots: http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/systemsettings.png http://muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/systemsettings1.png Jonathan