From kde-core-devel Fri May 25 16:50:53 2007 From: Lubos Lunak Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 16:50:53 +0000 To: kde-core-devel Subject: Back to kDebug Message-Id: <200705251850.53173.l.lunak () suse ! cz> X-MARC-Message: Hello, this should be a follow-up to . I'd like to do something about it before it gets forgotten even more. To sum it up, there are 2 problems with current kDebug: - the output for some types is ... strange, I e.g. really don't see why anybody would need to be told that [10,10-20x20] is a QRect - there is a template operator<< , which gets everything that is not an exact match - inherit or add const and all you get is the class name and the pointer value kdebug.cpp r649670 is a nice example of how ugly this can get. Additionally note that "kDebug() << someKComboBox" will give you "KComboBox(0xbfa7cf74)" anyway, so it actually doesn't work. There's no patch because I don't know what it should be :(. According to or David's commit message there should be a possibility of some template tricks, but I haven't managed to come up with anything. In fact my headache tells me there's none, either there's a template somewhere and then it's too greedy or there's no template and then it needs to link to UI libs, but I'd certainly like to be corrected. The solutions I see are: - kdebug.h from kdecore gets renamed to kdebugcore.h, kdebug.h gets added to kdeui, the template gets dumped, operator<< implementations for all types we care about get added - it stays as it is - all operator<< implementations except for the template one get dropped, we implement QDebug operator<< re-implementations and hope they win - ??? Ideas, comments? -- Lubos Lunak KDE developer -------------------------------------------------------------- SUSE LINUX, s.r.o. e-mail: , Lihovarska 1060/12 tel: +420 284 028 972 190 00 Prague 9 fax: +420 284 028 951 Czech Republic http//