Hi! The feature plan contains a usability and accessibility review period that has not yet started. We nevertheless decided to forward some of the already known issues to kde-core-devel earlier to make it easier to fix them before the full API freeze. 1. The handling of colours, icons and fonts in KDE can be much improved. You can find a description of useful changes here: http://amen-online.de/%7Eolafschmidt/colors/colors.pdf Qt designer mockups are also available: http://amen-online.de/%7Eolafschmidt/colors/designer.tar.gz We are aware that it would be unrealistic to expect everything to be change in time for KDE 4.0, but it would be nice if at least the colour scheme system could be updated soon. My impression is that does not need to be an intrusive API change if done well, but I am not a real programmer, so this is up to you to decide how to best tackle. 2. We need to organise a review of all widgets in kdelibs/kdebase for compatibility with the new QAccessible architecture. Is there a list somewhere with all the widgets that exist? Olaf PS: I will be away from tomorrow to Thursday, so I will be unable to quickly respond to questions. But I expect Ellen (for topic 1) and Harald Fernengel (for topic 2) to be able to answer even better than me.