[ Thomas Zander, Sa., 31. Mär. 2007 ] > That can only be done if KDE is the odd one out; as far as I can tell all > the different desktop environments (incl. mac/win) have their own set of > keys. So I'm unsure what you mean with "making KDE more consistent with > them" There are a number of cases where KDe is indeed the odd one - including F10 for accessing the menu. But I agree that this is not true for everything. > As Ellen is OK with Alt; I ask you to only focus on accessibility issues as > that is what your role is in the HCI WG. Are there any a11y issues for > leaving F10 out of the default KDE theme? My usability concern is also an accessibility concern, since a partially sighted person, for example, would have even more difficulties seeing whether a menu has become selected by accident. But I will leave this decision with Ellen. My main fear is that we will fail to reserve any key combinations for accessibilty at all because people don't see the need to add new key combinations to make all applications fully accessible, and I am willing to live with compromises to reach this goal. > Are there any a11y issues for leaving F10 out of the default KDE theme? > Again, its OK to add it to the themed shortcut schemes. Keyboard navigation shortcuts need to be really consistent between all applications running in the same environment. I don't see how we can achieve this without making our keyboard shortcut shemes more consistent between KDE and GNOME. But I am ready to be convinced otherwise. If we can indeed define a new GNOME-keyboard layout, select that automatically whenever a KDE application is started without the KDE desktop running, and if you can find a bulletproof way to avoid keyboard clashes with it, then all is fine for me. Do we have a volunteer to code this? Olaf