SVN commit 593946 by dfaure: Refactored KFileItem to use QSharedDataPointer - which means that it's now allowed to use KFileItem as a value, copying it is cheap, since it's now implicitly shared. All the current code uses it as a pointer, which is still fine of course, but using it as a value in the future can simplify things like PreviewJob, which used to crash due to sometimes keeping a pointer to a deleted kfileitem. Refcounting KFileItems is what Waldo has been advocating for a very long time btw, I'm glad to honor his wish after so many years :) Michael, this is also something to keep in mind if/when rewriting KDirLister. CCMAIL: M +856 -664 kio/kfileitem.cpp M +441 -510 kio/kfileitem.h M +73 -0 tests/kfileitemtest.cpp M +4 -0 tests/kfileitemtest.h