On Sunday 01 October 2006 13:11, Boudewijn Rempt wrote: > On Sunday 01 October 2006 12:57, Guillaume Laurent wrote: > > Yes, but for non-basic apps which can be written in a scripting language, > > it's better if they are all written in the same one, so we can limit both > > memory usage and dependencies to a single binding. > > In an ideal world, yes, perhaps. But we don't have that luxury: I much > prefer having the necessary applications written at all to not having them > written because the person who has time & inclination to do something > cannot stomach JavaScript. We have different experiences I guess. As far as I'm concerned, I've lost count on the "cool" apps which I would have loved to use but were written using some exotic language/bindings and which therefore were carrying so many dependencies that installing them was simply not worth it. I've also never met a programmer worth its salt which wouldn't write a useful app just because he wouldn't like a given language. Did enforcing C++ as a single programming language hindered KDE ? No. Did trying to have dozens of languages helped Gnome ? No. So why would it be different if we choose a standard scripting language ? -- Guillaume. http://www.telegraph-road.org