Am Dienstag, 6. Juni 2006 16:20 schrieb Andras Mantia: > On Tuesday 06 June 2006 10:44, Stephan Kulow wrote: > > June 6th: Opening 3.5 branch slightly - features and docu changes > >     need explicit approval, but are generally allowed if following > > the rules we introduced before[1] > > So are string changes allowed (read fixed)? If they are to be translated by casual translators, yes. So always ask yourself if you'd be willing to spend an afternoon translating it to hu - if the answer is "Hell! I'm not stupid" - then no :) If they are related to an approved feature, then there is no doubt. If they are related to a bugfix, then there is no doubt. If they are polishes and mass additions of whatsthis: ask kde-i18n-doc. Greetings, Stephan