Hi, I started to port KPovModeler two weeks ago. Well, it compiles and runs, but porting my copy of KDockWidget was a real pain and I am really unsure if I merged in all necessary changes from the KDockWidget class in kde3support. Is there a replacement or alternative for KDockWidget in kde4? I don't want to base my gui on a class that is almost impossible to maintain (because I don't understand it in most parts *g*) and will not be available in later versions of kde. The reason for my clone is that KDockWidget didn't contain the KPart main widget methods and wasn't extendable enough at the time I started to use this class in KPovModeler. The main reason was that KPovModeler doesn't have a main window with dock widgets placed around it, the gui is only a patch of dock widgets. With the default docking behavior with 3-4 docking actions the gui was unrecoverably cluttered in most cases. Therefore the layout is limited to any number of columns with any number of widgets arranged vertically. Regards, Andreas