On Sunday 28 August 2005 22:48, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote: > Am Sonntag, 28. August 2005 21:57, schrieb Simon Hausmann: > > This is not about restricting our apps, it's about opening up our > > platform to embrace more applications. > > To repeat myself from previous discussions here: > Be careful, do not overdue in this direction. Some say this is part of the > famous approach OS/2 took, embracing W*ndows, thus having all people to > develop for W*ndows as this way their programs would run on both platforms. > Newer W*ndows features naturally appeared first, you guess, in W*ndows, so > OS/2 was quickly behind. The end of the story is known. > > You do want to get people to code for KDE, don't you? So think more about > how KDE apps can run on more platforms, not so much the other way round. > Konqui rules more than F*refox, doesn't it? Exactly, we need to provide sugar for ISV's to use KDE, not ways to use KDE apps in other environments, that already works, we need to take care that our platform evolves, if we get KDE up and running (at least all sensefull parts) on Windows or Mac, cool, go for it, but not waste time to embed our apps in this environments, that won't help us to make our platform more important and embrace more applications, we just would show: Why code for the kde platform? I can use all cool KDE apps in my platform, they will integrate. I mean, why should than people not just target, say, Windows, if the users wants KDE apps, no problem, they integrate, no need to waste time on integration into the KDE platform :( cu Christoph