On Monday 13 June 2005 16:57, Renchi Raju wrote: > On Mon, 13 Jun 2005 tnagyemail-ml@yahoo.fr wrote: > > How many people actually tried the scons build scripts for kdegames when > > i made it available ? Many projects, like kdissert, abakus, .., use > > scons routinely for building and installing by the way. > > here's my two cents after a very brief foray into trying scons: a very > large part of success behind auto* is availability of canned solutions > (like checking sizeof(void*), pkg-config, and others ). scons is a bit > immature in that aspect in the sense that these solutions are either not > available or scattered across the web in form of recipes which a user > needs to paste into his SConscript files. But it should be very possible > to build a repository of these in an admin directory similar to that of > kde-common; so that users can easily call them in the SConscript files > without having to know a whole lot of python programming. A further tu'pence worth. Doing this would be a *really* good idea. One of the good (maybe the only good :) thing about Perl is that you can go to CPAN, and (hopefully) find and download the package you need. Contrast auto* where, I strongly suspect, the files just aggregate more and more cruft because it is so painful then the best strategy is to tack a bit on the end. I'd suggest that getting scons to build KDE would be really good for both KDE and for scons itself. > > renchi -- Regards Mike http://www.rekallrevealed.org *THE* GPL/Open Source database front end for Linux and Windows.