--nextPart5721304.dahqebWLUH Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Disposition: inline On Monday 25 April 2005 16:45, Lubos Lunak wrote: > These issues are all rather non-technical, and so I'm rather bad at > deciding them :-/ . The remaining problem as, in no particular order: > > - Since the icon is not handled by the application but by the applet, > the application doesn't have any direct control over it. Which means > it doesn't get any events from it, so things like DND or > scrollwheeling don't work. Also some systray apps have special > actions on e.g. MMB. There shouldn't be a big problem with forwarding > the events, even with DND it should work, but the questions are a) > does anybody consider this reduced control a problem, and b) how much > should be forwarded? =46WIW, all taskbar items should accept exactly the same drags as the=20 corresponding window. So DND isn't really an applet-specific thing. Wrt=20 scrollwheeling see below. > - I tried to check all systray apps in CVS that are of this type 1) > (i.e. not applet-like systray apps) and it seems that they all should > work fine with this new system (AFAICS), with the exception of KMix, > which has a rather non-standard behaviour when it comes to clicking > on the icon and window showing/hiding (I think there even were > bugreports about this and problems about how this should exactly > work). I think KMix should work just like the gnome mixer icon, which > is an applet showing the slider, and launches the fullblown mixer > application. Just make sure that I can still change the volume with the mouse wheel=20 which is IMO by far the most convenient way to change the volume with=20 kmix. I wonder in which category the KMail tray icon falls and how it should=20 work in the future. Regards, Ingo --nextPart5721304.dahqebWLUH Content-Type: application/pgp-signature -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux) iD8DBQBCbWnEGnR+RTDgudgRAmuPAJ9fg7kpzS/9sqaSW5lzVkf2Ym8AXQCdFMh4 4AAJGkeFOmpdBwNF2DRJt6M= =+JId -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --nextPart5721304.dahqebWLUH--