> Am Thursday 02 December 2004 12:34 schrieb Leo Savernik: > >>> Am Donnerstag, 2. Dezember 2004 10:02 schrieb Stephan Kulow: >> >>>>> > > Yet we can argue whether it is allowed to introduce new public symbols in >>>>> > > patchlevel releases. >>> >>>> > >>>> > We could, yes. But it would end up with: packages are supposed to require >>>> > the patchlevel version they built against as minimum. >> >>> >>> Isn't it already this way? > > Obviously not for the akregator RPM Couldn't new public symbols be tagged in the shared lib, similar to how glibc does it, like: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) So, this new kdelibs-3.3.2 symbol would generate a dependancy something like: libkdecore.so.4(KDE_3.3.2) If it was done this way, binary compatibility would be seemless, and it would make packagers' (rpm, deb whatever) life a lot simpler. IMO, qt could try do to this to, even between qt-x.y -> qt-x.(y+1) upgrades, since the shared lib is the same libqt-mt.so.3 -- Rex