On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 10:21:50 +0100, Helge Deller wrote: > Some weeks ago I filed a wish against KHTML >(http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=93213) that it should behave like Mozilla and IE and >show frames around not-yet-loaded images in Konqueror. > This visual feedback is IMHO pretty important, since without it users (like me) might >wonder why the Konqi-wheel still spins although the webpage seems completely loaded. > This is even more important when you are running on a slow internet connection or if the >servicing webserver is pretty loaded. And please provide a way to disable it. IE has a feature to disable it. And as far as I know in IE6+ they are disabled by default. > PS: IE and Mozilla even shows a small Pixmap in the upper left corner of the frame. What does people think if we would add this as well ? Also disabled by default in IE as in a page with lotsa images ( like Google Images ) it looks very ugly. Regards, ismail -- Time is what you make of it